Login Service Protocol

Packet format

All the packet sent and received by this service follows the following packet layout :

+0x00 : Size_Packet     [BYTE]
+0x01 : Opcode_Packet   [BYTE]
+0x02 : ProtoBuff_Data  // Depends of the opcode

Opcodes list

0x01 (VerifyProtocolReq)

The client (WAR.exe) send this packet after the connection.

Protocol buffer message types (VerifyProtocolReq.proto) :

message VerifyProtocolReq {
    required uint32 protocol_version = 1;
    required uint32 product_id = 2;
    required bytes client_public_key = 3;

You must answer with opcode 0x02 (VerifyProtocolReply).

0x02 (VerifyProtocolReply)

This opcode is for the answer of opcode 0x01.

Protocol buffer message types (VerifyProtocolReply.proto) :

message VerifyProtocolReply {
    required ResultCode result_code = 1;
    optional bytes iv1 = 2;
    optional bytes iv2 = 3;

The result code must be RES_SUCESS, and the iv1, and iv2, can be something random like : iv1 = “x42” * 16 and iv2 = “x42” * 16.

0x05 (AuthSessionTokenReq)

After answering with opcode 0x02 (TODO CONFIRM ALL CASES), this opcode will be received.

Protocol buffer message types (AuthSessionTokenReq.proto) :

message AuthSessionTokenReq {
    required bytes session_token = 1;

You must answer with opcode 0x06 (AuthSessionTokenReply).

0x06 (AuthSessionTokenReply)

This opcode is for the answer of opcode 0x05.

Protocol buffer message types (AuthSessionTokenReply.proto) :

message AuthSessionTokenReply {
    required ResultCode result_code = 1;

The result code must be RES_SUCESS.

0x07 (GetCharSummaryListReq)

No ProtoBuff_Data for this opcode.

Answer with opcode 0x08 (GetCharSummaryListReply).

0x08 (GetCharSummaryListReply)

Protocol buffer message types (GetCharSummaryListReply.proto) :

message GetCharSummaryListReply {
    required ResultCode result_code = 1;
    repeated CharSummary summary_list = 2;


Protocol buffer message types (CharSummary.proto) :

message CharSummary {
    required uint32 server_id = 1;
    required uint32 character_id = 2;
    required int64 last_played_time = 3;
    optional string xml_data = 4;

TODO describe

0x09 (GetClusterList)

No ProtoBuff_Data for this opcode.

Answer with opcode 0x0A (GetClusterListReply).

0x0A (GetClusterListReply)

This opcode is the answer of 0x09.

Protocol buffer message types (GetClusterListReply.proto) :

message GetClusterListReply {
    required ResultCode result_code = 1;
    repeated ClusterInfo cluster_list = 2;


Protocol buffer message types (ClusterInfo.proto) :

message ClusterInfo {
    required uint32 cluster_id = 1;
    required string cluster_name = 2;
    optional string lobby_host = 3;
    optional uint32 lobby_port = 4;
    optional uint32 cluster_pop = 5;
    optional uint32 max_cluster_pop = 6;
    optional ClusterPopStatus cluster_pop_status = 7;
    required uint32 language_id = 8;
    required ClusterStatus cluster_status = 9;
    repeated ServerInfo server_list = 10;
    repeated ClusterProp property_list = 11;

In cluster_id put the REALM_ID, in cluster_name put REALM_NAME, in lobby host put ip address of your World Service and service port in lobby_port.

  • TODO
  • TODO
  • TODO value

For cluster_status set STATUS_ONLINE.


Protocol buffer message types (ServerInfo.proto) :

message ServerInfo {
    required uint32 server_id = 1;
    required string server_name = 2;

Put REALM_ID in server_id and REALM_NAME in server_name.



Protocol buffer message types (ClusterProp.proto) :

message ClusterProp {
    required string prop_name = 1;
    required string prop_value = 2;

And finally set the result_code to RES_SUCESS.

0x0B (MetricEventNotify)

Protocol buffer message types (MetricEventNotify.proto) :

message MetricEventNotify {
    required uint32 event_id = 1;
    optional bytes event_data = 2;

Don’t know how to deal with this stuff (TODO).

0x0C (GetAcctPropListReply)

This opcode is for the answer of opcode 0x0D.

Protocol buffer message types (GetAcctPropListReply.proto) :

message GetAcctPropListReply {
    required ResultCode result_code = 1;
    repeated AcctProp prop_list = 2;

Protocol buffer message types (AcctProp.proto) :

message AcctProp {
    required uint32 property_id = 1;
    required int32 property_value = 2;

No informations related to property_id and property_value (TODO).

You can answer just by setting the result_code to RES_SUCESS.

0x0D (GetAccountProperties)

Nothing related to the proto inside WAR.exe has been found so this proto is maybe wrong.

Protocol buffer message types (GetAccountProperties.proto) :

message GetAcctPropListReq {
    repeated AcctProp prop_list = 1;

You must answer with opcode 0x0C (GetAcctPropListReply)

All data inside packet use the Google’s data interchange format [1].